성화속의 예수 그리스도의 탄생(1)
CHRISTMAS or Natale del Signore
< 축일 12월25일 >
BARTOLOMEO, Fra / The Adoration of the Christ Child
c. 1499 / Tempera on wood, diameter 89 cm
Galleria Borghese, Rome
BOTTICELLI, Sandro / The Birth of Christ
1476-77 / Fresco, 200 x 300 cm
Santa Maria Novella, Florence
ALBERTINELLI, Mariotto / Birth of Christ
1503 / Oil on wood, 23 x 50 cm
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
CAVALLINI, Pietro / Apse: 3. Nativity of Christ
1296-1300 / Mosaic
Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome
FLINCK, Govert Teunisz. / Angels Announcing the Birth of Christ to the Shepherds
1639 / Oil on wood, 160 x 196 cm
Musee du Louvre, Paris
FOPPA, Vincenzo / Adoration of the Christ Child
Tempera and oil on panel, 175 x 84 cm
Santa Maria Assunta in Chiesanuova, Brescia
GIOTTO di Bondone / No. 17 Scenes from the Life of Christ: 1. Nativity: Birth of Jesus
1304-06 / Fresco, 200 x 185 cm
Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua
GIOTTO di Bondone / No. 18 Scenes from the Life of Christ: 2. Adoration of the Magi
1304-06 / Fresco, 200 x 185 cm
Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua
LIEFERINXE, Josse / Adoration of the Christ Child
c. 1500 / Wood, 38 x 47 cm
Musee du Louvre, Paris
MARIOTTO DI NARDO / Scenes from the Life of Christ (2)
Tempera on octagonal panel, 28 x 33 cm
Private collection
MICHELE DA FIRENZE / Scenes from the Life of Christ
1430s / Terracotta
Pellegrini Chapel, Sant'Anastasia, Verona
MULTSCHER, Hans / The Birth of Christ
1437 / Panel, 148 x 140 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin
PIETRO DA RIMINI / The Nativity and Other Episodes from the Childhood of Christ
c. 1330 / Tempera on panel, 17 x 20 cm
Fundacion Coleccion Thyssen-Bornemisza, Pedralbes
PINTURICCHIO / Adoration of the Christ Child
c. 1490 / Wood
Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome
1475 / Wood, 198 x 104 cm
Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena
GEERTGEN tot Sint Jans / Nativity, at Night
1484-90 / Oil on oak, 34 x 25 cm
National Gallery, London
1423 / Tempera on wood, 32 x 75 cm
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
GHIRLANDAIO, Domenico / Adoration of the Child
Tempera on wood, diameter 90 cm
Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milan
GIORGIONE / The Adoration of the Shepherds
1505-10 / Oil on panel, 91 x 111 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington
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