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가톨릭 성화, 미술

~ 어린 메시아 예수님 (1) ~

어린 메시아 예수님(1)


'아기는 자라면서 튼튼해지고 지혜가 충만해졌으며, 하느님의 총애를 받았다. '



Florence Kroger...Jesus as a child:  

Jesus as a child







Anonymous Artist - Destiny - Art Prints of Jesus Holding Nail Spike in Joseph's Carpenter Shop, his shadow making a cross.:  

Anonymous Artist - Destiny -

Art Prints of Jesus Holding Nail Spike in Joseph's Carpenter Shop,

his shadow making a cross.



Family Jesus Mary Joseph by C Bosseron Chambers Edward Gross Co:  

Family Jesus Mary Joseph by C Bosseron Chambers Edward Gross Co





A beautiful image of the Blessed Mother and the Christ Child.:  

A beautiful image of the Blessed Mother and the Christ Child.



Jesus as a child...notice, the halo around His head.... it is thorns...humbling and breathtaking image!:  

Jesus as a child...notice, the halo around His head.... it is thorns...humbling and breathtaking image!




Make me to love the Cross, o sweet Child Jesus!:  




Through His love for us he came into world, and through the Eucharist He continues to love us.:  


Miraculous image of the Child Jesus— A monk on the desert is reported to have taken a picture of the Holy Eucharist while exposed. Upon developing the film, this image of the child Jesus appeared. Sometime later, Jesus told this same monk that he would “”I promise to send my blessings and my peace to each home where this image is found.” Look at that sweet face! Jesus I Love You and place my Trust in YOU | http://rosary-for-peace.blogspot.ca/:  

Miraculous image of the Child Jesus


miraculous [mirǽkjuləs]


Jesus saying to His Heavenly Father, "Thy Will Be Done.":  

Jesus saying to His Heavenly Father, "Thy Will Be Done."